Reference no: EM132729824
Question -
a. Obtain and review the organisational policies and procedures, ethical requirements, required accounting standards and the statutory and reporting body requirements which are applicable, and ensure these are applied and complied with throughout the development of the financial reports.
b. Compile and analyse the data required for the financial reports through completion of the following steps:
I. In accordance with organisational policy, procedures and accounting standards, systematically code, classify and check the data for accuracy and reliability. Document this process, including the checking for accuracy and reliability.
II. Using conversion and consolidation procedures, compile the data. Provide copies of the procedures followed, and the data compiled.
III. As required, transfer the data to computerised systems. Provide evidence of the accurate transferring of data.
IV. Accurately record the valuations, ensuring these are in compliance with accounting standards
V. Identify, and accurately record, the effects of taxation
c. Perform the following steps to prepare the required reports:
I. Present all required charts, diagrams, tables and supporting data, in the required format
II. Prepare the reports, ensuring the application of statutory and ethical requirements, and organisational procedures relating to conflict of interest, confidentiality, and disclosure requirements, and confirming that the structure and format of the reports are clear, and that they comply with all statutory and organisational requirements.
III. Review the statements and data for errors and for compliance with the statutory requirements and organisational procedures, amending these as required.