Observe the moons of jupiter

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Reference no: EM13174578

Use the Starry Night Enthusiast program to observe the moons of Jupiter. Display the entire celestial sphere (select Guides> Atlas in the Favorites menu) and center on the planet Jupiter (double click the entry for Jupiter in the Find pane) Then use the Zoom controls at the right- hand end of the toolbar (at the top of the main window) to adjust your view to about 20'*14' so that you can see the planet and its four Galilean satellites. (Click on the + button or press the + key on the keyboard to zoom in and click on the - button or - key on the keyboard to zoom out.) This is equivalent to increasing the magnification of a telescope while looking at Jupiter. (a) Click on the Time Flow Rate control (immediately to the right of the date and time display) and set the discrete time step to 2 hours. Using the Step Forward button (just to the right of the Forward button), observe and draw the positions of the moons relative to Jupiter at 2-hour intervals. (b) From your drawing, can you tell which moon orbits closer to Jupiter and which orbits farthest away? Explain your reasoning, (c) Are there times when only three of the satellites are visible? What happens to the fourth moon at those times? 

Reference no: EM13174578

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