Observe an adult and young child communicating

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Reference no: EM131993177

Assignment - Observing Communication

Observation can be powerful tool for expanding your understanding of mindful communication and taking note of which communicate strategies seem to work well and which ones do not. For this Blog Assignment, observe an adult and young child communicating and reflect on how the ways in which the adult engages in interactions demonstrates the kinds of effective communication you have been learning about this week.

Select a location for your observation. The possibilities are plentiful in everyday venues like a park, beach, community center, store, or on public transportation. A pre-school or other early childhood setting also can provide an opportunity for you to see adults interacting and conversing with children.

Provide an account of your observation.

Describe what you noticed and learned.

Make connections between what you observed and the effective communication strategies presented in this week's learning resources. What could have been done to make the communication more affirming and effective?

Share your thoughts with regard to how the communication interactions you observed may have affected the child's feelings and/or any influences it may have had on the child's sense of self-worth.

Offer insights on how the adult-child communication you observed this week compares to the ways in which you communicate with the children. What have you learned about yourself this week with respect to how well you talk with and listen to young children? In what ways could you improve?

There are some sources you can cite in this assignment.

Stephenson, A. (2009). Conversation with a 2-year-old. YC: Young Children, 64(2), 90-95

Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). Strategies for working with diverse children: Communicating with young children. Baltimore, MD: Author.  

Rainer Dangei, J., & Durden, T.R. (2010). The nature of teacher talk during small group activities. YC: Young Children, 65(1), 74-81.

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This report presents the results of an observation between an adult and a child at a community center. Accordingly, it is established that a child’s development and communication approach greatly depends on how adults interacts and communicates with them. When an adult behaves harshly towards a child, then the communication and growth of the child is certainly impaired. Furthermore, the communication strategy to be used for children should be quite different with that used for adults.

Reference no: EM131993177

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5/23/2018 3:21:32 AM

Subject: Term Paper. No of Pages/Words: 2. Message: Please I want an "A" in this assignment. Blog Assignment: Observing Communication - For this Blog Assignment, observe an adult and young child communicating and reflect on how the ways in which the adult engages in interactions demonstrates the kinds of effective communication you have been learning about this week. Provide an account of your observation. Describe what you noticed and learned.

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