Reference no: EM133301583
True False
1. The social-control approaches to prevention of alcoholism include restricted availability.
2. A field sobriety test is one of the most common tests used by law enforcement agencies to determine the blood alcohol level of a person suspected of DU.
3. There has been a slow increase in state-approved gambling activities since the time of the Civil War.
4. The state of Hawaii is the only state which restricts gambling.
5. Virtual images of children are included in the Child Pornography Prevention Act.
6. Prostitution prohibits the act of sexual intercourse.
7. A field sobriety test is one of the most common tests used by law enforcement agencies to determine the blood alcohol level of a person suspected of DUI.
8.About $630 billion is spent annually in the United States on state-sanctioned gambling.
9. If pornography contains serious literary value, it can never be obscene.
10. The crime of obscenity is based upon community standards and prurient sexual interests.
11. Obscene material falls outside of First Amendment protections.
12. Obscenity is any description, account, display, or material depicting sexual activity that meets the three-prong test established in Miller v. California.
13. Public morals offenses trace their roots back to the conflict between kings and church leaders.
14. Prostitution is the solicitation of or act of engaging in deviate sex.
15. Extortion by public officers is the accepting of money or property to which a public officer is not entitled before the officer will accomplish a duty within his or her official capacity.
16. There are two types of bribery.
17. Traditionally front-line police officers are unskilled in arson investigation therefore and may hinder criminal prosecution.
18. Traditionally front-line police officers are unskilled in arson investigation therefore nd may hinder criminal prosecution.
19. For purposes of burglary, "four walls and a roof" is all that is needed to define a building.
20. Burglary is a specific intent crime.
21. the crime of arson does not require the intents to damage an entire structure.
22. "Breaking and entering" is an essential element of most modern burglary statutes.
23. A person must be present for a structure to be occupied.
24. The curtilage is that area surrounding the house including the separate buildings and structures necessary for the landowner to carry on his business.
25. Alcoholic robbers have little interest in planning their offenses and engage in robberies to support their addiction.
26. In Perrin v. United States, the U.S. Supreme Court looked at the federal statute known as the Travel Act.
27. The key element for bribery is the act, or the failure to act.
28. The issue of force or fear necessary for a robbery to have occurred is always examined from the victim's state of mind.
29. For punishment purposes, the value of the item is important for the crime of robbery.
30. A purse snatcher has not committed the crime of robbery when he grabs the purse and flees the scene before the victim realizes what has occurred and the victim does not experience any fear.