Objectives in the past wars in iraq and afghanistan

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Reference no: EM131130283

Part 1: Which Intelligence Collection techniques do you feel have been used to greatest effect in accomplishing the US objectives in the past wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Let me hear what you have to say. I want examples such as HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINT, Drones, etc...

Remember, this is a strong opinion piece so impress me and don't forget to source your material. You may even want to add how these two war time examples have increased the safety of the United States- the overall strategic objective (or have they...?)

Part 2: Do you think Fusion Centers perform a valuable role in countering the terrorist threat or do they represent an intrusion of the Federal government into State, & Local affairs and personal privacy?

Part 3:

1) State positively two things you have learned in short sentences and give a brief explanation.

2) Why is this a positive learning experience and what can you take away and apply outside this class (at work, in other classes, etc.)?

3) Why is creativity and imagination critical to learning and what have you learned about yourself in the process?

Reference no: EM131130283

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