Objective of supply chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133768516

Question: The objective of supply chain management has been to deliver the right item to the right place at the right time at the lowest cost. Healthcare refers to this as a value-based concept which is critical in advancement of the quality of healthcare delivery. Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO) have been formed to collectively impact the negotiations by volume for pricing, discounts and rebates with manufacturers, distributors and vendors to maximize their financial capacity.
In a 500-word paper (not including the title page and reference page) using current APA format answer the question of "Why is supply chain management about much more than merely cost reduction?" Support your positions with at least two peer-reviewed articles.
• Length of assignment - 500 words
o Excluding title page/ Cover page and reference page.
• APA Format
• Number of citations:
o 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly references and 1 instance of Biblical integration.
• Acceptable sources
o Scholarly articles published within the last five years

Reference no: EM133768516

Questions Cloud

Briefly describe the research that has been done with rat mo : Briefly describe the research that has been done with rat mothers to illustrate this phenomenon. What the results mean, so be sure to go beyond quoting.
Promote health and safety in times of crisis : Promote health and safety in times of crisis. As public health and safety advocates, nurses must be cognizant of how such organizations help certain populations
Experiencing unpredicted difficulties breathing : Natalie has been experiencing unpredicted difficulties breathing, chest pains, and tingling in her face and hands for a few months now.
How does this source fit into your project : how does this source fit into your project? Has it changed the way you think about your topic or approach? Which cognate or disciplinary perspective does
Objective of supply chain management : Objective of supply chain management has been to deliver the right item to the right place at the right time at the lowest cost
Explain quality management issues : Explain quality management issues you anticipate within the framework of public policy or regulatory procedures 3 or more potential barriers
Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to this health care : Describe any professional experience you have with this topic. Identify peer-reviewed articles relevant to this health care issue or problem.
Examination of patient suspected of having Graves disease : During a physical examination of a patient suspected of having Graves' disease, which finding would be most consistent with this diagnosis?
Reflect the nature of qualitative research : Reflect the nature of qualitative research, which focuses on exploration and discovery. Avoid yes/no and closed-ended questions


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