Object oriented programming and design assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132492657

Assignment- Object Oriented Programming and Design

The placement cell of a university is also responsible for providing internship opportunities to final year students. Considering the large number of students and organizations participation, it is very difficult for placement cell to manage data and allot students manually to participating organizations offering internship opportunities. Therefore, placement cell look forward to automate its student allotment to participating organizations.

Allotment Process

First of all, those students who want to opt for internship in the final year have to submit following details to placement cell.

• Student Id
• Name
In the meantime, placement cell collects details from all participating organizations. Each organization needs to submit following details in order to participate.

• Name of the organization
• Location
• Stipend
• Number of positions
• CGPA Cut off
Once the details are collected from all the organizations, then these details are made available to students. Students need to give their preferences for positions in which they are interested in span of 10 days. In order to make this convenient for students, they should be able to see list of participating organizations in decreasing order of stipend as well as they should able to filter the organizations by location. A student can give as many preferences as many number of participating organizations.

Once the preferences are submitted, placement cell starts allotting students based on their preferences given. Placement cell starts with topmost preference of each student goes until the least preferred. A student is allotted a particular organization if his/her CGPA is greater than or equal to CGPA cut off of the organization. In case multiple students are competing for a single seat, the students with more CGPA gets allotted first.

Once the process is complete, the result is displayed as per details given below:

Organization Name, Location

List of student details (StudentId, Name, CGPA)

Now participating organizations should be able view details of student allotted as follows

List of student details (StudentId, Name, CGPA)

It is quite possible that some students remain un-allotted as they could not satisfy CGPA cut off of any of the organization of their preference list or number of internship positions are less in number in comparison to number of students. List of un-allotted students should also be displayed as follows

List of un-allotted student details (StudentId, Name, CGPA)

It is also possible that some organizations left unallocated because none of the students opted for it or could satisfy its CGPA criteria or it was least preferred and all students gets other organization with higher preference in their preference list. The placement cell should be able to view list of un-allotted organizations, so that they can send apology mail to each of them.

List of organizations left unallocated (Organization Name, Location) Simulate this process using Object Oriented Programming Concepts in Java. To understand it better consider the following example

Consider students preference lists as follows

S101-> ABC, XYZ, ZEN, POW, ABS (means TCS is 1st preference, CTS 2nd, HCL 3rd, POW 4th and ABS 5th ) S102-> ABS, XYZ, ABC, ZEN

Then result should be

ABC Ltd., Delhi S_ID Name CGPA S104 Seema 8.1
S101 Mohit 7.2 XYZ Ltd., Mumbai S_ID Name CGPA S103 Pooja 8.7 ZEN Ltd., Hyderbad S_ID Name CGPA S105 Rohit 7.1

List of un-allotted students

S_ID Name CGPA S102 Manoj 6.5

List of organizations left unallocated
POW Ltd., Nagpur ABS Ltd., Bangalore


• Your program should read list of students and list of organizations from respective files (format below).
• There are only 3 functionalities shown in the example. There may be more functionalities required as per the description given. Identify, implement and display the result of thosefunctionalities.
• Assume that two organizations cannot have same name.
• Assume that two students cannot have exactly same CGPA.


Q1. Write Program using Eclipse IDE. Each class should be written in separate source file. Also write driver class for your code to test the functionality. Kindly Make use of Paltify Portal for the same.s

Q2. Create "how to use/run" text file which will have sequence of commands to compile and run your code.

Q3. Create a document with screen shots displaying outputs for different methods. One screen shot per method output. Submit this document in .pdf format only.

Q4. Java documentation for your code. (Hint: Study javadoc command).

Attachment:- Object Oriented Programming and Design.rar

Reference no: EM132492657

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