Object-oriented analysis and design

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Reference no: EM1342215

Assignment 1- PART A

Object-Oriented Analysis

Object-oriented analysis involves the following steps:

4. Describe use cases. Develop detailed documentation for each of the selected use cases.

5. Modelling of Use Cases. Develop a System Sequence Diagram (SSD) for each of the selected use cases.  

6. Process Modelling of Use Cases. Develop an activity diagram for each of the selected use cases.  

7. System Operation Contracts. Create at least ONE system operation contract from each of system sequence diagram developed in step 6.

8. Develop user interface specifications. Write specifications for the use interface s required for the selected use cases. 

9. Perform domain analysis and modeling. Identify classes associated to each subsystem by analysing the requirements and draw a domain class diagram for each package. Include appropriate attributes, associations and multiplicities. 

10. Develop Analysis Sequence Diagrams. Develop sequence diagrams using only domain classes for the selected use cases.  (At least two for each member)

11. Develop Analysis Class diagram. Assign relevant operations to the domain classes and complete an analysis class diagram for each subsystem.  

Assignment 1- PART B

Object-Oriented Design

Assume that the system is to be designed using a 3-layered architecture. Components should be designed to build the application into three layers: Presentation layer, Business layer, and Persistence layer.



Layer                       --------------------->         Business Layer       ----------------------->    Persistence 

                                                                 (Business Logic)      <-----------------------      Layer 

(GUI)                      <-----------------------                                                                       (Database)


Presentation Layer

Focuses on the presentation of the data to the user in the context of  the user interface, e.g., the Web browser or a rich client

Business Layer

Provides the business logic

Includes the components/Packages that capture  the business rules of the company

Persistence Layer

The data repository for the application

Provides Data storage, retrieval, and maintenance

PART B-object-oriented design involves the steps 13-18:

13 Using a 3-layered architecture complete the design of your system. Draw architectural design diagram using a UML component diagram. Discuss some of the benefits of this architectural style for your application. 

14 Revise your domain class diagrams developed for your subsystem and update it.  Your diagram should show attributes, relationships, multiplicities and navigability for each class. 

15 Develop First-Cut Design interaction diagrams.  Develop a first-cut design sequence diagram for each of the selected use cases.  Each sequence diagram should have sufficient number of objects to ensure that design has all the important design-level objects such as entity, boundary controller, database interface class and GUI class.

16 Complete the first-cut class diagram for your packages.  Your diagram should show attributes and operations for each class.  Create controller (manager) classes that will separate entity and interface classes, as well as entity and persistent layer.

17 Complete the Final Design Class Diagram Introduce robustness in your design. Your classes should include access modifiers, variable types and method signatures. 

18 Develop and draw GUI interfaces for your packages.  Design and draw GUI interfaces for your selected use cases. Refer to the user interface specifications developed in Step 8.

Reference no: EM1342215

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