Object-orientated programming with access vba

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131915932

The Internet and Microsoft Office


Microsoft Access VBA Programming - Object-Orientated Programming with Access VBA

1. Read pages 291 through 316.
2. Participate in Discussion Question 6.1 (DQ6.1)
3. Complete Programming Challenges 1 through 4 on page 316.

A. Program Challenge 1:
Create a new database called BookStore with one table called Books. Add the columns ISBN,Title,PublishDate, and Price to theBooks table. Add a few records to the Books table. Create a new connection class called CustomConnection that connects to your BookStore database. The new class should have two methods-one method for opening an ADO Connection object and a second method for closing the ADO Connection object. The method that opens a database connection should take a single string argument, which represents the path and filename of the database.

[Place a screen capture here of the code for the two methods making the ADO connections.]

B. Program Challenge 2:

In the same database application from Challenge 1, create a new class called Books. This class should have a read-only property for each column in the Books table. Create a method in the Books class called FindBook. The FindBook method should take in an ISBN. Build a SQL string based on the ISBN and use ADO programming techniques to open a recordset and assign the recordset field values to the class's matching properties. You should use the CustomConnection class to create and retrieve any Connection objects.

[Place a screen capture here of code for the FindBook method.]

C. Program Challenge 3:

Enhance Challenges 1 and 2 by building a form with controls that allow a user to find a book by entering an ISBN. Use your Books class from Challenge 2 to find and retrieve book details.

[Place a screen capture here of the form you developed.]

D. Program Challenge 4:

Enhance the user interface from Challenge 3 to allow a user to add and remove books. To accomplish this, you need to modify the Books class from Challenge 2 by adding two methods called AddBook and RemoveBook.

Macros and Performance Tuning

1. Read pages 317 through 314.
2. Participate in Discussion Question 6.2 (DQ6.2)
3. No Programming Challenges assigned.
4. Complete the following final course project

Final Project:

Develop a Microsoft Access database with the table(s) necessary to hold any 5 states of the United States of America, their capitals and a graphic picture of the appropriate state flag or state tree or flower. All this information is available on the Internet. Any graphics may need to be sized to fit your project.

1. Using VBA, construct a multiple choice quiz which randomly selects a state and asks the user to select the correct capital of the randomly selected state.

2. If the user answers incorrectly, the screen should display a message with the word ‘INCORRECT' with the state name, the correct capital and the correct matching graphic.

3. If the user answers correctly, display an appropriate message.

Reference no: EM131915932

Questions Cloud

The bundle of rights concept of property : As a bundle of rights he characterized property as, "a complex aggregate of jural relations, not as a particular relation between owner and object.
How might our ethical standards and performances be affected : In your view, is Turkle correct? Explain. How might our ethical standards and performances be affected by excessive reliance on social technology?
Write a letter to the judge about the surviving friend : Some character traits for the surviving friend: passionate, honest, career orientated and people person. This letter needs to sound professional as possible.
Which market form would benefit consumers the most : Include also a discussion of: Which market form would benefit you the producer the most and Which market form would benefit consumers the most.
Object-orientated programming with access vba : CPT323 VBA, The Internet and Microsoft Office - Create a method in the Books class called FindBook. The FindBook method should take in an ISBN
Do you agree that americans are standoffish and lonely : Putnam has for the last few years been collecting data about the growing gap in opportunities among socioeconomic classes of American children.
Create your ideal gun control law : Identifies whether you are in favor of or against gun ownership by citizens of our country ( 1 PARAGRAPH).
What other forces might have contributed : Do you agree with Murray that the erosion of traditional middle-class morals/values helps explain inequality in contemporary America?
What would be a beneficial sample size : What would be a beneficial sample size? How could officer sentiments on working longer shifts and fewer days be incorporated?



3/26/2018 7:24:59 AM

You may use previously developed programming challenges or code. You may also request assistance from fellow class developers by using the appropriate Discussion Board on Blackboard. Do Not exchange completed projects. Submit the modified database.


3/26/2018 7:22:55 AM

The worksheet is a guide you should use to assure that all work for the Unit is completed correctly and on time. The worksheet and all additional files should be placed in a folder and then zipped and delivered as a single file to the appropriate section folder of Bb. Please label all submitted files using the format: [first initial & last name]-

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