Reference no: EM132582724 , Length: 1300 Words
NX9523 Business Professional Practice Assignment - Northumbria University - Qatar Finance and Business Academy - Qatar
Programme - All Business and Finance programmes (Qatar)
The purpose of this module is to equip you with the skills and business acumen needed to succeed in your chosen career. The module takes an experiential learning approach and is designed so that you will conduct research, integrate theory and practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop viable solutions to business problems. You will learn through a process of enquiry, often co-operatively with peers, using digital information and technologies. In short it will develop your ability to think independently, to apply discipline knowledge to complex problems/opportunities, to work in teams (including with academic tutors as well as with each other), to communicate (present and report) and to collaborate to create new knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues within your discipline area.
On completion of the module, you will have enhanced your problem-solving skills and will be able to manage complex problems. By focusing on advanced group and team working skills, research and complex problem-solving skills, project management, communication skills and self-directed learning, you will also be able to demonstrate management, leadership, and professional skills and ability.
The module is summatively assessed through a portfolio of work, which constitutes 100% of the assessment mark (equivalent to 2,500 words plus appendices and documented evidence). The portfolio will consist of:
Part A: Poster (individual)
Part B: Client feedback presentation - Virtual presentation (group) with accompanying materials (briefing report/ research as appropriate)
Part C: Self and peer assessment exercise including reflection on team working and personal/professional development- (documented evidence/ feedback examples in appendices do not count to overall word count) (1200 words).
Instructions on Assessment - Further details of each of the tasks will be available via Blackboard. You are advised to start to collect evidence particularly for Part C of the assessment from the start of the module, and to keep a record of key learning and critical incidents, particularly in relation to demonstrating your professional capabilities.
Part A - Individual assessment: This task is designed to enable you to identify and demonstrate understanding of different organisational and legal forms and specifically to identify similarities and differences between investor-owned private enterprise and alternative business models, such as social enterprises. This will support your student group consultation task. You are asked to produce a professional research-style poster comparing and contrasting three different types of organisation. Further details are available via Blackboard.
Part B - Virtual/digital presentation - using PowerPoint with voice over (or Panopto or other digital media compatible with University software). This is a team task and will be focused on your subject-specific consultancy/organisation case study project. Each team in your workshop will be provided with a consultancy brief supplied by a social enterprise organisation. You are tasked in your teams to research and analyse data and information to provide robust evidence-based recommendations related to the specific organisational issue/problem. As you will not be able to present your findings directly to the organisation, you will produce a 10-minute client-feedback presentation, which includes overview of your project task and approach to managing and producing results. You will produce additional materials as such as briefing paper (i.e. executive summary), copy of your annotated PowerPoint slides, and supplementary research/evidence and appropriate. Further details will be available via Blackboard, including submission guidelines and including additional materials. More information will be available via Blackboard.
Part C - Part C: Self and peer assessment exercise, including individual reflective statement. This is based on your team-based consultancy project and your own and your team's learning, skills, participation and contribution to the task and the team development processes. You will consider enquiry- and/or problem-based learning and team-based working in relation to professional skills and competence for future studies (Level 6) and future work (you may relate this to professional standards and competences). As well as the group review class exercises, you are asked to identify a critical incident that has occurred during your team task that you can useful describe, analyse and reflect on to show your learning and practical/ application. You will provide a record of evidence (appendices) may include, for example: a record of attendance and participation (particularly in team activities), project planning evidence for your organisation project/case study and for your digital presentation.
You should include a brief critical review of the importance of inquiry-based learning and reflective practice, including implications for learning and development for future development and career options. You are encouraged to write this reflective report using the personal pronoun 'I' to encourage ownership of your learning.
For all tasks, you are expected to provide a range of current relevant academic sources to support your work.
Attachment:- Business Professional Practice Assignment File.rar