Nutritional needs of the general population

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Reference no: EM1362934

1. Explain how energy balance is related to body weight.

2. List three main components of energy expenditure.

3. Explain what is meant by a healthy body weight.

4. List five health problems that are associated with excess body fat.

5. What changes in the environment in the last 20 years have contributed to an increase in cases of obesity? List the 3 most reliable components to successful weight management.

6. Describe aerobic exercise. Name one aerobic exercise.

7. Describe anaerobic exercise. Why would someone be interested in anaerobic exercise? Why?

8. Which is more efficient, aerobic or anaerobic metabolism?

9. How does lactic acid build up and what is its effect on our bodies?

10. How do the nutritional needs of an athlete compare to the nutritional needs of the general population?

Reference no: EM1362934

Questions Cloud

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Nutritional needs of the general population : How do the nutritional needs of an athlete compare to the nutritional needs of the general population?
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