Reference no: EM133078398
NURS90124 Mental Health & Recovery - The University of Melbourne
Fundamental MHN Skill assessment
MSE handover vodcast?
Mental state exams and risk assessments are ubiquitous work in a mental health nursing shift. The shift begins with a handover of a consumer's MSE, multiple interactions with the consumer throughout the shift involve monitoring changes in MSE, and the shift concludes with a handover of the consumer's MSE. The MSE is pivotal information in admissions to mental health services, decisions about involuntary treatment, avoiding and ceasing restrictive practices, monitoring improvements to interventions, and collaborating in recovery planning. As such communicating MSE findings is a vital MHN skill.
Although many other assessments and activities are handed-over in mental health nursing, this MSE handover vodcast, focusses its attention on the MSE and risk components of the handover (some 'S' and the 'A' of SBAR).
The MSE handover vodcast is a chance to practice your MSE skills and your ability to effectively communicate your MSE findings. As in the prior skills assessment, the MSE vodcast also asks you to reflect on your skill, and receive feedback from your peers and a highly skilled mental health nurse.
The MSE handover vodcast is a short (4-minute) video recording of a student giving handover to their Fundamental Mental Health Nursing Skills Group (as if they are the incoming next shift).
Skills required for the MSE handover vodcast
The vodcast activity asks students to demonstrate:
1. the capacity to perform a mental state exam by:
1. observing behaviour
2. listening carefully to a consumer
3. listening carefully to consumers' significant others and nominated persons
4. being responsive to another professional's MSE
5. acknowledging the limitations of the MSE
6. demonstrating clinical reasoning
2. effective communication of a mental state exam, including:
1. using recovery-focused language
2. remaining person-centred
3. being strengths focussed
4. using professional language
5. presenting the MSE in a systematic manner
6. communicating important MSE information
7. describing/interpreting MSE data accurately
3. critical and specific reflective practice by:
1. correctly identifying the strengths of the handover
2. accurately identifying the weaknesses of the handover
3. correctly identifying strategies that would have worked more effectively at specific time codes
4. constructive collegial feedback by:
1. listening carefully to the MSE handover vodcast of 1 other student
2. correctly identifying parts of the handover done well and why (give evidence for your feedback)
3. accurately identifying moments (provide time codes) in the handover that could have been improved, including any missed or incorrect MSE data given in the handover.
4. using professional language at all times
5. directing your feedback comments to the student.
Can you give an example of an MSE handover vodcast?
In the mental state exam handover assessment, students video record themselves handing-over a consumer to their Fundamental MHN Skills Group.
Can you give an example of the reflective practice?
As this is a new assessment I am unable to provide you with an example from previous years. However, it is expected your MSE vodcast reflective practice will critique the accuracy of your mental state examination and the effectiveness of your handover communication.
Students must address the key reflective practice criteria:
1. correctly identifying the strengths of the handover
2. accurately identifying the weaknesses of the handover
3. correctly identifying strategies that would have worked more effectively at specific time codes Students can choose to follow a reflective practice model such as Rolfe (2001) or Gibbs (1998).
Can you give an example of constructive collegial feedback?
As above, an example from previous years can't be provided. However, your collegial feedback should be similar to the therapeutic listening podcast and address the 5 criteria listed above.
In the MSE Handover, students provide collegial feedback to one (1) student only. This is because you will need to be familiar with the consumer being handed-over, in order to give meaningful feedback regarding the MSE provided.
ARTICLE - Developing a guideline for structured content and process in mental health nursing handover
Attachment:- Fundamental MHN Skill assessment.rar