Reference no: EM132411662 , Length: word count:1000
NUR2102 Chronic Care Across the Lifespan Assignment - University of Southern Queensland, Australia
ASSESSMENT TASK - Conduct a written reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle.
Assessment purpose: Reflecting on practice is essential for the development of nursing skills and knowledge. Standard 1.2 of the Registered Nurse standards of practice states: the registered nurse develops practice through reflection on experiences, knowledge, actions, feelings and beliefs to identify how these shape practice.
Step 1: You have now provided nursing care, in the NUR2102 labs for five (5) patients who are living with one or more chronic conditions. Choose one of: Ryan Tuquiri, Denise Palmer, Grace Perkins, Brett Howard or Aaqib Abbas.
Step 2: Using Gibbs reflective cycle (below) write a 1000 word reflection on one of the laboratory sessions for your chosen patient.
Criteria -
1) Describe the situation which you are reflecting on.
2) Discuss your feelings, what you were thinking and feeling.
3) Evaluate the situation, what was good and bad?
4) Discuss your analysis of the situation.
5) Discuss what else you could have done.
6) Describe your action plan. What would you do if in the same situation again?
Note - You have to make assignment according to this patient history. You have to make my assignment according to Aaqib Abbas patient by using Gibbs reflective cycle. Make sure the reference should be in APA style.
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