NUM1102 Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives

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Reference no: EM132609797 , Length: word count:800

NUM1102 Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives - Edith Cowan University

Assignment 1:

The aim of this assignment is to develop your academic writing skills and academic style while learning about the benefits and limitations of social media in health care. The task involves writing paragraphs on two given topics (on eon he strengths and one on the limitations) of social media in health - maximum of 400 words for each topic) and writing an end-text reference list. On completion of this assignment, you will receive feedback on the areas you need to improve in your academic writing, paraphrasing and referencing for future assignments.

Assignment instructions:

There are three parts to this assessment:

Part 1: Define social media and the discuss two key two benefits that the use of social media provides or has provided for the individual or the health care system. You can choose any ‘angle' that seems appropriate for this discussion (400 words maximum).

Part 2: Discuss two key limitations that social media may present/ cause for the individual/ or the healthcare system (400 words maximum).
You are expected to write your responses to Part 1 and Part 2 in paragraphs (400 words max for each part). There is no need to write an introduction or a conclusion.

You will use the journal articles provided (over the page) to write your well-constructed paragraphs. For this assignment, you can also source references cited in these articles as long as they have been published within the last seven years (2013+). You will also need to find at least one extra source related to each topic (i.e at least two more articles). Prior to completing your task, please review Module 6 of the Academic Skills Online Modules or consider attending the targeted workshop for assignment 1 or the generic academic skills workshops on paraphrasing, referencing and writing academic paragraphs.

Your paragraphs must:
• Have a clear topic sentence.
• Supporting sentences where paraphrases from selected extracts are included to support your main idea in a logical manner. All paraphrases must be correctly in-text referenced.
• Use appropriate academic language/style.
• Include complete well-constructed sentences
• Have a concluding sentence.

Part 3: Write an end-text reference list of the sources provided in APA style as well as any additional references you have sourced. You will need to access the academic sources provided using the ECU library systems to find all the bibliographic details needed in order to write the end-text reference list.

Attachment:- Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives.rar

Reference no: EM132609797

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NUM1102 Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives : NUM1102 Communication Skills for Nurses and Midwives Assignment Help and Solution, Edith Cowan University - Assessment Writing Service
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8/24/2020 10:34:29 PM

Follow these guidelines attached Only use third person point of view First and second person not required

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