Notion of equal pay for work of equal value require

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Reference no: EM133539214

1. Equity and Privacy in the Workplace

What is required by section 42 of the Employment Standards Act?
What does the notion of "equal pay for work of equal value" require?
What is "employment equity" and how are employees that fall under this scheme regulated?
How is personal information defined? List three examples of what it may include.
What are some of the exceptions that PIPEDA provides to the rule that an organization may not use personal information without an individual's knowledge and consent?
When must access to information be denied according to PIPEDA?


What is the focus of employment equity specifically?
What is the foundational idea that pay equity is based on?
Under what circumstances should an employer re-evaluate jobs in the interest of equity?
What are some of the reasons why an employer may consider extending PIPEDA protections to their employees, even if it does not technically apply to them?
Under what circumstances may personal information be disclosed in disclosure (as part of a civil trial)?
What was the impact of Jones v Tsige in terms of privacy rights in the Ontario private sector?

2. End of Employment Issues

What are the rules of procedural fairness that an employer should aim to following when dismissing an employee for just cause?
What constitutes wrongful dismissal?
What should an employer do to avoid wrongful dismissal claims?
What must employers be careful about when an employee is retiring?
What constitutes a mass termination? What are the implications of this?
What are the post-employment obligations of fiduciary employees?


In what cases will disobedience constitute just cause for dismissal?
When is an employment contract frustrated?
When an employee is wrongfully dismissed, what does the duty to mitigate entail?
What criteria must be met for a resignation?
What is severance pay? How is it calculated?
What are the implications of an employee's implied duty of good faith?

3. Labour Law

1. What is the main distinction between employment and labour law?

2. How did the Rand decision influence the progression of labour law in Canada? How does it remain relevant today?

3. What does the OLRA prohibit?

4. What is a collective agreement?

5. What happens if a collective agreement cannot be reached between a union and an employer?

6. What steps must be taken for a bargaining unit to become unionized?

Reference no: EM133539214

Questions Cloud

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