Note down a code to add two rows of data to the table

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1333371

(Con_id NUMBER(4),
Company_name VARCHAR2(30) not null,
E_mail VARCHAR2(30),
Con_cnt NUMBER(3) CHECK (Con_cnt > 0),
PRIMARY KEY (Con_id));

Write a code to add two rows of data to the table that was created using the command above. Ensure the default option on the LAST_DATE column is used in the second row added. Also, issue a command to permanently save the data to the table.

Reference no: EM1333371

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Note down a code to add two rows of data to the table : Write down a code to add two rows of data to the table that was created using the command above. Ensure the default option on the LAST_DATE column is used in the second row added. Also, issue a command to permanently save the data to the table.
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