Normalize the following table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13910054

Problem 1: Normalization (15 points)
Normalize the following table upto and including the 3NF. Submit a 1 page printout of only the final set of normalized tables in Data Architect. Just use Data Architect to do the tables. No need for E-R, mapping, relationships etc. Just tables. State all assumption, logic, and reasoning, to explain your work.

Work = Projname + Projmgr + Empid + Hours + Empname + Budget + StartDate + Salary + Empmgr + Empdept + Rating


1. Each project has a unique name, but names of employees and managers are not unique.
2. Each project has one manager, whose name is stored in Projmgr.
3. Many employees may be assigned to work on each project, and an employee may be assigned to more than one project. Hours tells the number of hours per week that a particular employee is assigned to work on a particular project.
4. Budget stores the amount budgeted for a project, and Startdate gives the starting date for a project.
5. Salary gives the annual salary for an employee.
6. Empmgr gives the names of the employee's manager, who is not the same as the project manager.
7. Empdept gives the employee's department. Department names are unique. The employee's manager is the manager of the employee's department.
8. Rating gives the employee's rating for a particular project. The project manager assigns the rating at the end of the employee's work on that project.

Problem 2: Normalization (15 points)
Normalize the following tables upto and including the 3NF. Submit a 1 page printout of only the final set of normalized tables in Data Architect. Just use Data Architect to do the tables. No need for E-R, mapping, relationships etc. Just tables. State all assumption, logic, and reasoning, to explain your work.

Employee = Empid + Empname + SSN + Empadd + Empphone + DOB + Sex + DateHired + Lastdateworked + Averrating + WordProc + Typing + Filing + Bookkping + Steno + Availcode

Client = Clid + Clname + Cladd + Clphone + Contact + BillingYTD + PaymentYTD

Job = Job# + Jobtitle + Startdate + Expectenddate + Dailyrate + Dailyhours + Reporttoname + Reporttoadd + Reporttophone + Jobstatus + Clid*

Invoice = Invoice# + Invoicedate + Oldbal + Totcharges + Newbal + Totpaid + Clid*

Payroll = Check# + Paydate + Gross + Fed + Fica + State + Local + Net + Grossytd + Netytd + Fedytd + Ficaytd + Stateytd + Localytd + Empid*

Job-Employee = Job# + Empid + Ratername + Ratingdate + Emprating


1. Employee address depends on employee phone.
2. Reporttoadd depends on Reporttophone.
3. Dailyrate depends on Jobtitle.
4. Net depends on combination of Gross, Fed, Fica, State, Local
5. Netytd depends on Grossytd, Fedytd, Ficaytd, Stateytd, Localytd
6. Newbal depends on Oldbal, Totcharges.
7. Net, Netytd, Grossytd, Fedytd, Ficaytd, Stateytd, Localytd are calculated fields.
8. Newbal is sum of oldbal and totcharges.
9. We would normally want the Reporttoadd with the Job record. Similarly, the Dailyrate is a piece of information that is integral to a Job record.

Problem 3: SQL (20 points)

Perform the following queries on the Hospital1.DB using SQL Anywhere (START EARLY!).

a. Which patients have purchased the drug "Tylenol"? List the names and
addresses. Arrange them in descending order of patient name.

b. List the physician names and the number of visits supervised by each physician. Arrange them in descending order of number of visits.

c. List the Phy# and names of all physicians whose name starts with the letter "M."

d. List the names, addresses and phone#s of patients living in Fremont or San Jose. Arrange them in ascending order of the zip.

e. List the Drug# and description of drugs that have not been prescribed. Arrange them in ascending order of description.

f. How many patients are there in the database? Give the count.

g. List Visit#, PatID, Phy#, Drug#, Qnty and Amount. Calculate Amount as Price*Qnty.

What to Submit for Problem 3?

Submit a report with the following (similar to the SQL tutorial):

For each query: a serial number, english version, a SQL version, and output, neatly
formatted. Highlight all relevant information. CHECK YOUR ANSWERS! DON'T SUBMIT ANSWERS THAT DON'T MAKE SENSE.

Reference no: EM13910054

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