
Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131049615

Question 1

1.1          What is normalization?

1.2          When is a table in 1NF?

1.3          When is a table in 2NF?

1.4          When is a table in 3NF?

1.5          When is a table in BCNF?

Question 2

2.1    Using the INVOICE table structure shown in table 1, write the relational schema, draw its dependency diagram and identify all dependencies (including all partial and transitive dependencies). You can assume that the table does not contain repeating groups and that any invoice number may reference more than one product. (Hint: This table uses a composite primary key.)

Table 1

Attribute Name

Sample Value

Sample Value

Sample Value

Sample Value

Sample Value




















Rotary sander

0.25-in. drill bit

Band saw

Rotary sander

Power drill








NeverFail, Inc.

NeverFail, Inc.

BeGood, Inc.

NeverFail, Inc.

ToughGo, Inc.














2.2  Using the initial dependency diagram drawn in question 2.1, remove all partial dependencies, draw the new dependency diagrams, and identify the normal forms for each table structure you created.

2.3  Using the table structures you created in question 2.2, remove all transitive dependencies and draw the new dependency diagrams. Also identify the normal forms for each table structure you created

Question 3

Some Tiny University staff employees are information technology (IT) personnel. Some IT personnel provide technology support for academic programs. Some IT personnel provide technology infrastructure support. Some IT personnel provide technology support for academic programs and technology infrastructure support. IT personnel are not professors. IT personnel are required to take periodic training to retain their technical expertise. Tiny University tracks all IT personnel training by date, type, and results (completed vs. not completed). Given that information, create the complete ERD containing all primary keys, foreign keys, and main attributes.

Question 4

4.1          Explain the following statement: a transaction is a logical unit of work.

4.2          What is concurrency control?

4.3          What are the advantages of DDBMS?

4.4          What are the disadvantages of DDBMS?


Question 5

5.1          Explain the difference between a distributed database and distributed processing

5.2          Describe the different types of database requests and transactions.

5.3          What is the objective of query optimization function?

5.4          What is XML and why is it important?

5.4          What is XML and why is it important?

Reference no: EM131049615

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