Reference no: EM133182066
Discussion - Graduation Requirements
The Federal government allows each state to set graduation requirements. Therefore, graduation requirements can vary from state to state. This includes the use of Subject Area State Test in high school. In Mississippi, a student cannot graduate with a high school diploma unless they earn the required Carnegie Units and obtain a set score on four state Subject Area Tests. In addition, the federal government holds states accountable for graduation rates by using a four-year cohort system.
1. Discuss if graduation requirements should be the same for nondisabled students vs. students with disabilities. Include possible advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the long-term implications. Ensure you cite evidence.
2. Using the Letter to White, discuss if you agree or disagree with the graduation plan proposed by Louisiana. Did Louisiana decide to pass the graduation plan for students with disabilities? Were there opponents to the plan?
Required Textbooks (Required for both EDU 5455 and EDU 5456:
Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs (Eleventh Edition)
Authors: Edward A. Polloway, James R. Patton, Loretta Serna, and Jenevie Bailey
Publisher: Pearson