Non-conformances with the environmental policy

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133733924


Assesses at least 3 potential concerns or non-conformances with the environmental policy. Assessment yes/no or similar. provide a safe and healthful workplace and ensure that personnel are properly trained and have appropriate workplace safety and emergency equipment.

• Be an environmentally responsible neighbor in the communities where we operate, and act promptly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the environment.

• Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials, and using recyclable packaging and other materials.

• Use operational processes that do not adversely affect the environment, including developing and improving operations and technologies to minimize waste, prevent air, water, and other pollution, minimize health and safety risks, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.

• Meet applicable government requirements.

Reference no: EM133733924

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