Non-autonomous traffic management system

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Reference no: EM132604615 , Length: word count:3000

MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design - Laureate International Universities

Assignment - Reflective Research Report

Instructions - There are two objectives of this assessment: for the purposes of the client, the local Road Traffic Authority, you are to produce a design brief; and, for the purposes of the assessment you are to produce a reflection. So, this written submission should expertly mix a consultative style-that is, providing a solution to the problem as outlined by the client-with a deep reflection on what you have learned in the subject and the potential for such a futuristic system. You will need to use your judgement on this; it is likely to take several drafts to get right. The deliverable for this assessment is plainly:

You are tasked to create a consultative report that addresses the data requirements of a Driverless, Non-autonomous Traffic Management System as well as commenting on the feasibility of such a solution, given what you learned in the subject. Following instructions will assist you in completion of the task.

Some hints for you to heed while you develop and write your assessment:

1. Consider what is meant by 'autonomous' and then explore the benefits and challenges that autonomous vehicles may present in a future in which they are widely adopted.

2. The Road Traffic Authority has not provided any assumptions and you should list these if your proposal and reflection are to be considered cogent.

3. Consider that there are presently several roads in operation that contain more than one traffic lane and while generally there are rules for how they are to be used, not all human drivers adhere to them-what are the consequences?

4. Consider what would happen when a driverless (non-autonomous) vehicle needed refuelling.

5. Consider the security requirements in the context of what could go wrong in operating such a system.

Based on your learning from the course modules and previous assignments, you are expected to come up with data requirements and a logical design of the system and a brief commentary on the design.

Attachment:- Reflective Report Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132604615

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