Nominal interest rates fall during recession

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM138637

Q1. Following the passage of comparable worth legislation, Unity College responds by placing salaries at $W a between the two existing salaries. Which of the following is the result of the legislation?

Q2. During a recession phase of the business cycle, business firms become pessimistic about their future earning capacity as do banks. Nominal interest rates fall during recession. Investment lending could be expected to?

Reference no: EM138637

Questions Cloud

What is the stopping distance : A lighthouse that rises 49 above the surface of water sits on a rocky cliff that extends 19 from its base. A sailor on the deck of a ship sights the top of the lighthouse at the angle of 30.0 above the horizontal.
Privatize the main bank in the country : The government announces that it will privatize the main bank in the country through the stock exchange.
Calculate for the capacitance : Calculate for the capacitance, the charge of plate, and magnitude of electric field between the plates for a capacitor whose plates are 11 mm apart are 2.00 m-2 in area and being connected to a source with potential difference of 270V.
Cleanup of hazardous waste sites : One main difficulty examined in the book is the cleanup of hazardous waste sites.
Nominal interest rates fall during recession : Business firms become pessimistic about their future earning capacity as do banks. Nominal interest rates fall during recession.
Find out the acceleration of proton : Estimate approximately the angular deflection of the muon's trajectory, given that the rest mass of muon is 100Mev and that the saturation magnetization in iron is equivalent to 1.6 x 10^23 electron moments per cm^3.
Customer extra he obtains with each provider : Explain how much he finishes up paying each provider every month. Explain how much customer extra he obtains with each provider.
Find the weight w2 and the angle alpha : A 9.05 kg projectile is fired vertically upward. Air drag decreases the mechanical energy of the projectile-Earth system by 77.5 kJ throughout the projectile's ascent. How much higher would the projectile have gone were air drag negligible.
Analyse the angular separation of the second order : The lines in a grating are uniformly spaced at 1520nm. Analyse the angular separation of the second order bright fringes between light of wavelength 603nm and 615.4 nm. Reply in units of mrad.


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