Noise or interference in the communication process

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Reference no: EM13209221

1. Think about different experiences you have had with noise or interference in the communication process. What are examples of real-life interference that can occur in each of four places in the basic communication model? Write one example of interference in the context, one example of interference in the sender, one example of interference in the receiver, and one example of interference in the channel. These examples can be from four different real life communication situations, but those do need to be different from the examples in the textbook. Select one of these examples and indicate how you could reduce or eliminate the noise or interference.

2.Evaluate your current skill levels for each of the three kinds of metacommunication, using the scale: "good," "fair," and "poor." Explain why you chose the rating. Give specific examples.

3. The first four steps in DECIDE are related to Anticipatory Metacommunication. What real life communication situation would be most likely to present the need for you to plan your communication and therefore use the skill of anticipatory metacommunication? What real life communication situation would be less likely to present the need for you to take a lot of time to plan your communication? Why? Give specific examples.

4. DECIDE is the acronym we use for remembering the six (6) basic steps that must be considered when we are making communication decisions.  Step 2 of DECIDE is Evaluate receiver /situation. Why is our receiver or audience central to the communication decision making that needs to occur? Give a specific example to support your explanation. 

Reference no: EM13209221

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