Noble action-sacred call-desire

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Reference no: EM132477195

"Noble Action, Sacred Call, or Desire" Please respond to the following:

Explain whether or not you think Siddhartha Gautama's quest to find enlightenment falls under the category of noble action, sacred call, or desire. Describe how this decision does or does not fit with the ethical teaching that would come to characterize Buddhism.

Discuss how his decision to leave his family would be received in today's culture. Does his economic and social position as supposed royalty change your opinion? Do you think that there is a cultural difference that we should consider when evaluating this decision?

Reference no: EM132477195

Questions Cloud

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Noble action-sacred call-desire : Explain whether or not you think Siddhartha Gautama's quest to find enlightenment falls under the category of noble action, sacred call, or desire
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What is Woolard total depreciation deduction for the year : Asset Placed In Service Basis Office furniture (used) March 20 $1,183,000. If Woolard elects $50,000 of §179, what is Woolard's total depreciation deduction
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