Nitrogen stream using liquid ammonia

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM133215452

In an ammonia plant we wish to absorb traces of argon and methane from a nitrogen stream using liquid ammonia. Operation is 253.2 K and 175 atm pressure. The feed flow rate of a gas is 100 kmol/h. The gas contains 0.00024 mole fraction argon and 0.00129 mole fraction methane. We desire to remove 95% of the methane. The entering liquid ammonia is pure. Operate with L/V = 1.4 (L/V)min. Assume the total gas and liquid rates are constant. The equilibrium data at 253.2 K are:

Methane: partial pressure methane (atm) = 3600 . (methane mole fraction in liquid)

Argon: partial pressure argon (atm) = 7700 . (argon mole fraction in liquid)

a. Find outlet methane mole fraction in the gas.

b. Find (L/V)min and actual L/V.

c. Find outlet methane mole fraction in the liquid.

d. Find the number of equilibrium stages required.

e. Find the outlet argon mole fractions in the liquid and the gas, and the % recovery of argon in the liquid.

Reference no: EM133215452

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