NIT5150 Advanced Object Oriented Programming Assignment

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Reference no: EM132428565

NIT5150 - Advanced Object Oriented Programming - Practical Programming Project

Assignment - Practical Programming Project


This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of variables, constants, types, operators, input/output, loops, if statements, classes, objects and functions.


Victory Roses is a wholesale rose plant nursery selling rose plants to retail nurseries and garden centers. Mainly they grow and produce 2 types of rose plants. The two types are ‘standard' and ‘bush'. Standard rose plants are generally more expensive than bush varieties, since they need to be treated and trained to form the long stem plant. If the quantity of rose plants purchased are higher, then the price is lower.

Table below shows bush type rose plant prices. Standard type plants are 20% more than a bush plant.

Number of Plants

Price of a bush plant (including tax)

20 or more up to 50 plants

$15.0 per plant

50 or more up to 100 plants

$12.50 per plant

100 or more plants

$10.00 per plant

Create a C# application that calculate and displays rose plant sales for N customers who registered for online plant purchases.

Note: Set N as a constant variable, which you can easily change. Initially set it to a value to be equal to the largest digit of your student id number (e.g. if your student id is s3025423 then N should be equal to 5). Assume N=4, if the largest digit of your student id number is less than 4.

Specific Requirements

• The application should ask the user to enter the customer name, the type of the rose plant, and the number of plants to order. If the rose plant type is standard, then the price is 20% more irrespective of the number of plants.
• The minimum order should be at least 20 plants, and the largest order is 200. An error message should be issued if a user enters a value beyond this range and re- entering the plant quantity is required.
• The program makes a calculation of the order and displays the result as shown in the figure below. The program should kept on running with entering next set of input data.

• After all N sets of input data are entered from the keyboard, your program will also display the information that includes the customer spending most, the customer spending least as well as a simple bar chart to display how many customers place small orders and how many placed large orders with the number. Small order is less than 35 plants. The output should look as shown in the figure below.

• The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome, exit and error messages. Your program should run as normal without changing any source code except setting N with a different value.

Submission Requirements

You are required to submit two files:

1. Your application project packed as a single zip file.

2. A user manual document to show how your program works, provide screenshot and test cases. Assignment Cover Sheet with your name and student ID should be added at the beginning as a cover page. Document should be submitted in Word format.

Attachment:- Practical Programming Project.rar

Reference no: EM132428565

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