NEXIS-Uni Legal Research Database

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133076425

Question 1.

Discuss the following:

1. Given your understanding of the chapter reading on contract law, identify and explain the requirements and elements for a valid contract. Legally how is a contract formed and what are some similarities and differences between common law contracts versus the Uniform Commercial Code. Why is it important to distinguish and identify which applies when making business decisions?

2. Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Research Database, find and provide one breach of contract case example within the last year. Be sure to explain the facts of the case, the parties to the lawsuit, the dispute and the outcome and remedies provided by the court. Provide whether you agreed with the court's decision or not.

Question 2.

Discuss the following:

1. Identify and explain the forms of intellectual intangible property protection, how long they last and what remedies one can seek for an infringement of one's intellectual property pursuant to the chapter reading.

2. Research using NEXIS-Uni Legal Database link below and provide one case example of a business lawsuit dispute involving intellectual property within the last two years. Summarize the facts, the law in dispute and the outcome decided by the court. Did you agree with the decision, why or why not? NEXIS-Uni Legal Database.

Question 3.

We will focus on two important concepts - Agency law and the ability to hold an employer liable for an agent's actions and, the Employment-at-Will Doctrine and the protections afforded to employees from wrongful termination. Both concepts this week are covered in upcoming assignments so be sure to have a good understanding of the law.

SCENARIO: As a small-business owner, you are faced with rising costs, particularly employment costs, insurance, and the like. You decide to hire Leo, your good friend to save on these costs and insurance. Leo works for 6 months dealing with vendors and buying supplies and inventory for the business. One day at lunch, Leo heads to 7-11 for a Slurpee and befriends the owner, Dan. Leo makes a deal with Dan to sell your product, Widget's spinners, at the 7-11 in exchange for a free Slurpee every day. The store sells out of Widgets spinners the next day and Dan calls to demand you restock because it is bringing in lots of customers.

Discuss the following:

1. Given your understanding of the chapter reading this week, explain agency law and the three types of authority "relationships" that are created in the workplace between employers and employees. In other words, the authority an employee has from the employer to act on behalf of the employer in the workplace.

2. Was Leo authorized to contract with Dan? Why or why not and was Dan a disclosed, parially disclosed or undisclosed principal given your understanding of these terms in the reading? What is "scope of employment" and how is it applicable? Be sure to explain these terms.

3. Identify and explain what an employee-at-will is and the exceptions to firing such an employee given the law's protections. Research using the Legal Database and provide an example lawsuit of a wrongful firing or discharge in violation of the law. Be sure you case is within the last two years. Explain the facts, the parties, their arguments, the law, and the outcome of the case.

Reference no: EM133076425

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