Reference no: EM132918893
Select a publicly-traded company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ to analyze. Please note that it is usually easier to find more recent information on larger or well-known companies. The analysis in your essay should answer each of the following questions:
Why did you choose to analyze this company?
What were the opinions of some of your referenced articles on this stock as an investment? Please note that it is best if there is at least some disagreement on this question.
Is an investment in the stock a higher or lower risk investment than an investment in other stocks as a whole? Why or why not?
How large is the company in relation to its competitors?
How fast is the company growing?
How profitable is the company?
What is the company's price-to-earnings ratio? What does this tell you about the company?
Does it have a dividend? If so, what is the dividend yield?
Does the future of the company appear to be promising?
On which exchange does the company trade and what is its ticker symbol?
Key Point: Do you recommend or not recommend this company's stock as an investment for investors that are considering stock investments? Why?
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Find estimated the amount of profit
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New york stock exchange
: Select a publicly-traded company that trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or on the NASDAQ to analyze.
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What is the expected return in percent
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What is the return in domestic currency
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