New secretary of homeland security

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Reference no: EM133535149


Assume you have been appointed as the new Secretary of Homeland Security. You have been given a detailed risk assessment of the terrorist threat posed to a wide variety of cities and other targets and a choice: due to resource and budget constraints, you can partially address all of these threats (probably by just dividing the resources equally among all jurisdictions) or fully-address only 50% of the threats. Which do you choose and what criteria do you use to make that decision?

Reference no: EM133535149

Questions Cloud

What firearm restrictions would you place on him : Do you feel that Mr Jackson should be allowed to have all of his firearms back? If so, when? If not, why not? What firearm restrictions would you place on him?
Which crime causation theory is prevalent or trending : Which crime causation theory is prevalent or trending in use in the courts in your area? What is the name and basis of this theory?
Discuss racial and ethnic inequalities related to drug laws : Discuss the racial and ethnic inequalities related to drug laws. What is the research related to minorities being unfairly targeted related to drug laws,
Method of communication and training was : How effective did you feel this method of communication and/or training was? What were some of the positive aspects of the training?
New secretary of homeland security : Assume you have been appointed as the new Secretary of Homeland Security. Which do you choose and what criteria do you use to make that decision?
Developing agreed upon definition of terrorism : What are some of the obstacles to developing an agreed upon definition of terrorism? Why do you think we need a single definition of terrorism,or do we?
Racial diversity in workforce : Racial diversity in the workforce is only one avenue of diversity. Please describe other avenues of diversity and how they may enrich the workplace.
Discuss how robert peel principles : Discuss how Robert Peel's principles and viewpoints for policing relate to today's community policing philosophy.
Discuss decision of the committee with regard to this youth : Discuss the decision of the committee with regard to this youth. What aftercare opportunities might be available to the youth once released from the institution


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