New product development at adidas

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM13120 , Length: 18

Product Development is a very crucial and interesting sub arm of marketing management. It deals with the innovation aspect. Various approaches towards new product development makes it very interesting and enriching task to be accomplished.

In this report we will go through:-

1.      An Executive summary

2.      An Introduction which covers

  • Purpose
  • Background
  • Scope
  • Methodology
  • Assumptions
  • Limitations

3.      Framework of the project

  • New Product Development Practices
  • Key success factors in New Product Development Process
  • Application to the Organizations
  • Various other parameters to evaluate the intermediate propensity.

4.      Interviews in New Product Development Practices

  • Interview with Customers
  • Interview with Suppliers
  • Interview with Employees/Workers

5.      Critical Analysis

  • Gaps Identified
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses

6.      Recommendations for potential importance in New Product Development Process

7.      Conclusion

8.      Reflection Analysis

9.      References

10.  Appendix

New Product Development is a key area of marketing management which helps an organization to innovate new products. So, it should be studied on priority basis. 

Reference no: EM13120

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