New growth opportunities by pursuing new markets

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Reference no: EM133360544

Topic: Value in a New Market Marketing managers look for new growth opportunities by pursuing new markets. One of the challenges in seeking new markets is a change in the behavior and marketing process. For instance, sometimes B2B organizations find new opportunities in B2C markets. Respond to the following: Select a company that predominantly focuses on either B2B or B2C markets. Next, choose a new market for your selected choice. For example, if you selected B2B, describe how customer behavior and the process would differ from marketing to B2C. If you selected B2C, describe how client behavior and the process would vary from marketing to B2B. Describe the challenges you would face in the new process. How would you emphasize value for your new market?

Reference no: EM133360544

Questions Cloud

How does test market reflect your overall target market : Identify test market you selected for product you are launching. Explain how you selected test market. How does test market reflect your overall target market?
Consumer conversations actually influence decisions : How much do you think consumer conversations actually influence purchasing decisions? Can you quantify this influence or find research that proves it?
Broadly autocratic or democratic leadership style : Hot Chip will employ a manager in each of its outlets. These managers could use a broadly autocratic or democratic leadership style.
Rubbermaid has had excellent track record : Rubbermaid has had an excellent track record in the development and launch of new products.
New growth opportunities by pursuing new markets : Value in a New Market Marketing managers look for new growth opportunities by pursuing new markets.
Company expansion into the global market : Describe the history of this company's expansion into the global market. How did the company begin? What was the first country they expanded to and why?
Change based on the industry : Based on your analysis, could this change based on the industry that you are evaluating?
How brands communicated positions to customers : Many brands supported the BLM movement in 2020 and 2021. Research the issue and discuss how brands communicated their positions to customers.
Frequent desires people experience on daily basis : Beyond basic bodily needs - eating, sleeping, and drinking-media use is one of the most frequent desires people experience on a daily basis


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