Reference no: EM132981334
Case study
XYZ is a phone retailing company. It is very popular with employees because of flexible shifts, rotating job schedules, and the lenient policies regarding time off for family care. This also makes employee cohesiveness very important because sometimes employees will be called to work on days off or pulled off of another job in order to help in a different department. Though this may be a difficulty for a larger business, the atmosphere and benefits that come with such flexibility are appreciated by employees.
The application process includes a brief interview and a short test to determine whether applicants have mastered basic literacy skills. During the most recent hire cycle, XYZ found that some applicants who desired retail and customer service positions had not mastered basic reading, writing, and arithmetic. In response, XYZ garnered the assistance of a local community college, along with some middle and upper-level managers in providing training to the new employees to give them the necessary skills in performing their jobs.
After this hire, John, an upper-level manager suggests that the new employee socialization process should consist of a short-term program that explains to the employees their job position and its place in the company, and a tour of the business.
Because of XYZ's flexible approach to employee scheduling, many workers have changing work schedules and they often help one another in various job operations or work in job rotation.
What type of training should the company implement in order to train new employees for this type of working environment?
Note: answer should not exceed 5 lines. Any extra information will no be considered.