New administrator at a physician practice

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Reference no: EM132353742

You are a new administrator at a physician practice. The physicians tell you that one of their main concerns is that the staff at the front desk continue to alienate their patients.

You observe the workers there and find that the majority are not "people persons". They love to work with computers and produce an excellent work product when they post charges and payments and make appointments but they do not have great people skills. What personality types are these people? How would you go about implementing any changes now and what changes would you implement? What would you do in the future to avoid having this personnel problem?

You are a new administrator at a physician practice. The physicians tell you that one of their main concerns is that the staff at the front desk continue to alienate their patients.

You observe the workers there and find that the majority are not "people persons". They love to work with computers and produce an excellent work product when they post charges and payments and make appointments but they do not have great people skills. What personality types are these people? How would you go about implementing any changes now and what changes would you implement? What would you do in the future to avoid having this personnel problem?

Reference no: EM132353742

Questions Cloud

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New administrator at a physician practice : The physicians tell you that one of their main concerns is that the staff at the front desk continue to alienate their patients.
How the selected changes have affected police operations : Select at least two (2) types of changes (e.g., public and society, law enforcement officers, police bureaucracy, standards community involvement, technology.
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Name one significant lesson that you discovered : Name one significant lesson that you discovered about your learning style, emotional intelligence, and personality by taking these assessments.
Define opportunities for outfitting emergency response units : Read the scenario below. Use the Internet to research the various grant opportunities for outfitting emergency response units. Then, select two (2) funds that.


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