Reference no: EM13767431
There is nothing like reading a good book or watching a great movie for a little escapism and entertainment. With all of the television channels out there and access to the internet, you can watch just about anything you want at any time. In Unit 2, you talked about the science involved with technology, but in this Assignment, you are going to turn the tables and delve into how the media portrays science.
How does a pop culture portrayal of science and scientists impact the average person's view of what science is and how research is conducted?
Can what is presented by the media affect how the general populace views a particular research field? What might the long-term impacts of such a depiction be? These are just a few questions that you will reflect upon in this Assignment.
Your paper should address the following questions:
When you hear the word "scientist" what do you envision? Which famous people or characters from the media come into your mind?
What characteristics do they have in common?
Discuss at least three characteristics of your vision of a scientist.
Has your image of what a scientist does and how they look changed over time? If so, how has this changed and what influenced you?
Are fictional scientists usually the heroes, villains, or a combination of the two? Provide at least two detailed examples to support your position.
How is science portrayed in fictional media (television shows, movies, music, books, etc.)?
Is it seen as a positive, negative, or neutral force in the world? Give specific examples supporting your position.
Do you think the portrayal of scientists in the various forms of media influences how society views people in this profession?
Why, or why not?
Can the portrayal of science in media influence how certain research and technology is viewed, and accepted, by the general public (e.g., cloning)?
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