Neurophysiological and neuroanatomical mechanisms

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Reference no: EM1323278

How are the neurophysiological and neuroanatomical mechanisms associated with the formation of the perception of phantom limbs and the perceptual phenomenon of synaesthesia similar? How are they different? From a theoretical perspective, what do both these phenomenon say about perception generally? 

Other Requirements: talk about the anatomical cross-wiring that happens in synasthesia for example grapheme-color synasthesia seems to be a result of how the color center in the brain (area called V4) is roughly in the same part of the brain that are specialized for numbers. Therefore when patients say they see colors when they are presented with a number it might be due to the fact that these areas are closely located in the brain. Talk about how phantom limbs are similar and different. Similar because of crosswiring but expand on that. What does all this suggest about perception? Perhaps that perception is an illusion of the brain and we all perceive differently. Expand on this as well.

Reference no: EM1323278

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