Neuro endocrine event

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1387802

Select a neuro-endocrine event in which you can show the importance of structure/function relationship, organization levels, and feedback control. Your answer must follow the outline shown in the introduction (sub-questions a, b, c, d, see beow). Please notice that in this question you select both the structure and the function on which your answer will be

based. Important hint for your answer: "what does a neuroendocrine event means" ?.

The four sub-questions to be used in answering questions are:

a) Name the structure and the function on which your overall answer will be based? Be as specific as you can in delimiting the boundaries of your example (the most important part of your answer, since the following b, c, & d sub-questions are based on your answer to this first sub-question, a). Please notice that only 1 item is required (in your answer it should be labeled as "a").

b) Why do you think that your structure and your function are related? Support your contention based on 3 experimental lines of evidence (b1, b2, b3) involved in your example. Please notice that 3 items are required (answers should be labeled as "b1, b2, and b3").

c) Which are the levels of organization involved in your example (c1)? Cite events occurring at its main level of organization (c2) and indicate how they relate to the whole body level (c3).

Please notice that 3 items are required (answers should be labeled as "c1, c2, and c3").

d) Which are the main feedback mechanisms involved in your example (cite at least two) (d1)? Expand on one of them (d2) and name 2 absolute requirements for that feedback to work (d3). 

Please notice that 3 items are required (answers should be labeled as "d1, d2, and d3").


Reference no: EM1387802

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