Reference no: EM132606625
Information Security - Network Security applications and countermeasures
Network Security Applications and Countermeasures
In this assignment, you will be given a list of network security applications and security countermeasures in a worksheet. Click here to view the worksheet.
Identify where they belong within the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure. In addition, determine which availability, integrity, and confidentiality (A-I-C) function they provide. Then, write a diagnostic report explaining your analysis.
Address the following in a professional report:
1. Briefly describe each of the listed network security applications and security countermeasures.
2. Identify where each security application or countermeasure is located within the seven domains of a typical IT infrastructure.
3. Apply the three categories of network security risks to your analysis.
4. Outline the A-I-C function that each security application or security countermeasure provides.