Network performance monitoring tools

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132097154

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

This assignment is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:
a. Analyse and compare various server management systems;
b. Compare emerging tools and techniques for system management;

Assignment Description:

This assignment requires you to test, analyse, and compare any two (2) of the monitoring tools listed on Table

1. Marks will be awarded according to the (i) depth of exploration and explanation of features, and (ii) quality of evaluation and comparison of the chosen tools.





Monitoring for Linux environment

Use "sudo apt-get install" to install the tool (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Monitoring for Linux environment (Consult Lab 4 manual for application installation on Linux)



Open source alerting system.


Windows OS


Command line tool to create and manage event trace session & performance logs.


Windows OS

Table 1: Monitoring tools (Choose any two) for Assignment 1 (Note: This assignment includes more tools from LINUX OS, however, in Assignment 2, more choices of tasks based on Windows OS will be included.)

Complete the following tasks, and make a 7-8 min video presentation as per instructions below:
1. Download, install, and use any two (2) of the monitoring tools from Table 1. If you choose Linux tools, you can boot the computer using Kali Linux, or access it from VirtualBox. Explore in depth the utility provided by the tools and how the tools can be used by the System Administrators. This will require you to carry out research on your chosen tools, and explore the features with your installed tools on your computer.
2. Record your experience in a video clip. The video must include the following:
a. Outline of your presentation.
b. Demonstration in detail via narration of your actions recorded by video to include:
(i) accessing the tool,
(ii) showing how to use your chosen features of each tool,
(iii) what the feature is used for, and
(iv) how information provided by the feature can be used by the System Administrator to manage the system effectively. This must include 2 features or functionality of each tool (2 features per tool x 2 tools= a total of 4 features or functions).

c. Include in the video your discussion comparing the two tools covering the usability and functionality/usefulness of the features/tools to the System Administrator.
d. Summarise your experience at the end of your video.
e. You should appear in the video at the first and last 30 seconds to introduce yourself and draw a conclusion on your experience with the tools (other parts of the video will show your actions, as per description above).

Length of Video: Introduction (30 secs approximately, your appearance should be in the video) + Outline of the presentation (30 secs approximately) + Demonstration of the task (4-5 minutes) + Discussion (1 minute approximately) + Conclusion (15 secs approximately, with appearance)

You may use your mobile phone to record the video, or use any of the available open source software for screen/video capture.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132097154

Questions Cloud

What has the treasurer overlooked : He goes on to say that this was possible because his company has a comparative advantage in the floating-rate market.
What is the annual interest cost on the loan : Francis Construction Co. has an outstanding bank loan of $600,000 at an annual interest rate of 8%. The company is required to maintain
How much of a discount is the supplier giving you in dollars : How much of a discount is the supplier giving you in dollars? How long do you have to pay the supplier to receive that discount?
Appraise costing and financial strategies for manufacturing : The Porter Model is discussed as a method to categorize and assess businesses and industries.
Network performance monitoring tools : Network/Server performance monitoring tools - MN506 - System Management - Analyse and compare various server management systems
Cash flow streams has the higher pv : Which of these cash flow streams has the higher PV if the discount rate is 10%? If the discount rate is 40%? Please show the full calculations.
Million and repurchasing shares : CGI ventures has a current share price of $45 and 20 million shares outstanding. Suppose CGI announces plans to lower its corporate taxes by borrowing
Articulates the business problem and research purpose : Articulates the business problem and research purpose and assess the alignment of these components of the study.
Determining the personal financial future : After putting a portion towards paying off existing debts, you have decided to put the rest into investments to help secure your personal financial future.



8/27/2018 4:07:55 AM

In-lab component Viva Voce (oral examination) /10 Excellent understanding of tools demonstrated by questions and answers. Good understanding of tools demonstrated by questions and answers. Adequate understanding of tools demonstrated by questions and answers. Understanding of tools demonstrated by questions and answers needs improvement. Poor or no understanding of tools demonstrated by questions and answers.


8/27/2018 4:07:37 AM

Appearance in the video /5 Excellent appearance covering the first and last 30 seconds to introduce yourself and draw an excellent conclusion on your experience with the tools Appearance covering the first and last 30 seconds to introduce yourself and draw a good conclusion on your experience with the tools Adequate appearance and coverage of information at the start and end of video Appearance made at the start and end of video but insufficient information covered during the appearances. Barely appeared or no appearance


8/27/2018 4:07:31 AM

Demonstrate in The The The Demonstration is Tasks have not been demonstrated properly (difficult to follow) detail via demonstration demonstration is demonstration is mostly well done but narration and is extremely well very well done, well done, and it is some parts are not recording of done, and it is and it is clear and easy to follow but very easy to follow. your actions in very clear and easy to follow. easy to follow. there is room for improvement. video /16 Comparison of the tools /4 Very clear comparison with valid justification and very easy to follow Clear comparison with some justification and easy to follow Clear comparison with some justification but needs improvement. Some comparison is there but the justification is not very strong. The comparison is very poorly done. Summarisation /2 A very powerful summarisation with concrete information of findings Very Good summarisation Good summarisation Summarisation provided but needs improvement with concrete information No or very poor summarisation provided


8/27/2018 4:07:23 AM

Marking Rubric Grade Mark HD 32-40 DI 28-31 CR 24-27 P 20-23 Fail <20 Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Video Presentation components Introduction/Outli ne of presentation /3 Appearance is clear, and Introduction is easy to follow, very well prepared and professional Appearance is clear, and Introduction is easy to follow, well prepared and professional Appearance is clear, and introduction is understandable Makes an appearance and provides an introduction. Does not make an appearance in the video at the start of video and/or introduction is not well prepared


8/27/2018 4:07:14 AM

Comparison of the tools This must cover the functionality as well as usefulness of the tools to the System Administrator. (2 tools * 2 Marks= 4 Marks) 4 Summarisation Conclude your presentation with a summary of your experience of using the tools 2 Appearance in the video You should appear in the video at the first and last 30 seconds to introduce yourself and draw a conclusion on your experience with the tools 5 In-lab Component Description Marks Viva Voce (oral examination) Lab instructor will assess your understanding of work done for this assignment. This will be done during Week-7 lab session. Being absent during the demo without a special consideration application submitted and granted will result in missing the marks for this component 10 Total 40


8/27/2018 4:07:08 AM

Marking criteria: Marks are allocated as follows: Video presentation Component Description Marks Introduction/Outline of presentation Introduce yourself, the purpose, and outline of the presentation. 3 Demonstrate in detail via narration and recording of your actions in video This must include: (i) demonstration of, execution of the tool (ii) illustration of usage of identified features of each tool. (iii) explanation of the purpose of the usage of the feature (iv) Discussions on how the information provided by the feature is useful to the System Administrator This is to be done for 2 features for each of the 2 tools (2*2=4 features). 4 features * 4 mark for each feature=16 Marks 16


8/27/2018 4:07:01 AM

To upload your video on YouTube, you must create your account on YouTube if you do not have one already. If you have a google account, you already have a YouTube account. Your video must be of one of the following formats: .MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, .3GPP, and .WebM. Once you have an account, to upload your video, click on the 'upload' button located at the top right-hand corner of your webpage or YouTube App. You need to copy+paste your YouTube video URL (or obtain your video URL from the App) in the Word document for you to submit on Moodle, and your marker to be able to watch and mark your assignment! Make sure your video plays without any issues when you paste the video URL on a web browser. Note that assignments will not be marked if the video does not play on a web browser using the URL provided in the submitted document on Moodle.


8/27/2018 4:06:55 AM

All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a title Page. The submission must contain the video link of student’s work, as per instructions in this document. 1. Name your video with your student ID and name. 2. Upload Video on your YouTube account (if you do not already have one, please create one). 3. In a Word document, write your name, ID, names of tools explored, and paste your YouTube video link. Submit this document on Moodle by due date.

Write a Review

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