Reference no: EM131055213
Lab - Frame Relay Lab
Your Name:
Follow the directions in the Lab #2 assignment document titled "Packet Tracer - Configuring Frame Relay Point-to-Point Subinterfaces" to implement the lab network.
There are 2 places where the instructions are slightly different than the network diagram. In these cases, you must follow the instructions and not the diagram. They are:
- Network diagram says "EIGRP", but instructions are to use OSPF.
- Network diagram shows subinterface numbers as ".1", ".2" or ".3", but instructions say that the DLCI numbers ".102", ".103", etc, should always be used as the subinterface numbers.
When lab is complete, answer questions below. You can enteryour answers into this document or create a separate one. When complete, saveanswers file as PDF and submit for your Lab #2assignment on D2L.
All results must show the complete output from the command (that is, it should not say "-More-" at the bottom).
1. On PC, ping to Laptop. Paste results here.
2. On PC, tracert to Laptop. Paste results here.
3. On PC, tracert to Paste results here.
4. On R1, execute show ipinterfaces brief and paste here.
5. On R1, execute show iproute and paste here.
6. On R2, execute show frame-relay map and paste here.
7. On R2, execute show frame-relay pvc and paste here.
8. On router R3, show running configuration (show run) and paste here.
9. You are done!!
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