Reference no: EM133742541
- Project task statement [goals & performance objectives including measurable organizational value (MOV)]:
? This is new
? Discuss business, impact, reference our project milestones and timeline (1 sentence ish)
? Tie together project goals with business impact -- KPIs
? Address stakeholders
- Investors (business)
- Project manager
? Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound (SMART goals)
- Project organization:
? Reference: The style of coordination, communication, and management the project team uses throughout a project lifecycle. By applying project organization, you optimize resources, provide clear communication about roles and responsibilities, and reduce potential roadblocks.
? All roles are essentially under the project manager
- Work breakdown structure (WBS):
- Project network diagram (PND):
? A network diagram is a graphical representation of a project and is composed of a series of connected arrows and boxes to describe the inter-relationship between the activities involved in the project. Boxes or nodes represent the activity description, and arrows show the relationship among the activities.