Reference no: EM132721101
-Our problem is the in-store process of finding the right shoe and size you want is a very slow process. Customers need to ask a sales associate and wait while they go back and search around.
-Our "Should be" process is represents an input of a kiosk. The kiosk allows the customer to search for the shoe that they want quickly and efficiently, without asking a staff member to go to the storage and search for the shoe.
And can you help me describe 2 systems below based on our "Should be" process?
1. System Description
a) Describe the Information System in terms of its Management, Organizational, and Information Technology elements
b) Management: Policies, partnerships, priorities, preferences, goals and objectives, etc.
c) Organizational issues: Culture, resources, structure, etc.
d) Information Technology: Hardware, Software, Storage, and Network
2. Network Diagram and User Interactions.
a) Develop a high-level system overview diagram that shows users, databases, end-user devices, network components, software applications, and hardware requirements.
b) Discuss the interaction between each actor and the information system.