Network design and analysis

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131109237

Data Communications: Network Design and Analysis

Please read the article: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine New WLAN cuts APs. (Network Computing 3.3.2005). A copy of this article is on Blackboard in the same place as this assignment.

Please follow the suggested format for answering the 10 questions below:

Point-form answers with diagrams are the best way to answer these questions. Assume that you are assembling a Powerpoint presentation for the CEO of the Company.Limit each answer to ½ to 1 page please!Background and Additional Information:

This School has been lacking funds since the last major upgrade of its infrastructure at the time that the article was written (i.e. 2005). However, thanks to a generous donor there is a one-time only pool of funds that are now available that you can use to upgrade the overloaded networking infrastructure. In order to unlock these funds, the management has asked you to answer the following questions.

In general, your network is under considerable stress since you have experienced a steady overall increase in demand for network capacity of 40% since 2006 and you expect that this trend will continue at double the pace for the next 5 years. (i.e. 40% increase in demand over the past 5 years and 80% expected increase over the next 5 years).

Questions to Answer:

1) The school has implemented a pilot MPLS VPN which is being evaluated to replace the Bell South Frame Relay solution that provides connectivity to the Bascom Palmer Eye-Institute and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Clinic. What would be the critical success factors that would need to be achieved in order to get management approval to deploy a production version of this technology?

2) What benefits does an MPLS VPN offer over Frame Relay?

3) Since the Frame Relay is considered an "old technology" (to be replaced within 12 months or sooner) what other candidate technologies should be evaluated to meet projected growth of 80% over 5 years?

4) Wireless technologies are employed in all locations. What are the potential security risks? Have these risks been adequately addressed in the current deployment?

5) The school would like to go with a single vendor for its wireless systems. Select a vendor of WLAN technologies and suggest replacement technologies for the APs and Wireless Security implementation.

6) Review the network topology carefully. Identify any/all single points of failure.

7) If there are any single points of failure then what could be deployed to solve the single points of failure.

8) Based on the size of the school, network, and 80% projected growth over the next 5 years, what Routing protocol(s) would be most suited to deploy. Justify your answer.

9) Currently all the Servers reside in one location. Your IT auditor has indicated that the site needs an effective disaster recovery plan. How would insure business continuity even in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire flood or earthquake?

10) The school is considering adding a VoIP to its network what you need to do to accommodate this application? How many VoIP users can an 802.11n access point accommodate?

Attachment:- Miami 1604centerfold_file.rar

Reference no: EM131109237

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