Network design and analysis

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131099729

Data Communications: Network Design and Analysis

Individual Assignment 4: IP Routing and Security

Question 1 (10 Marks)

You have been asked to design a Banking Network with two primary types of locations: a Branch location and a Campus location. The bank has a total of 2,220 branch locations and 85 Campus locations.

Branch Location Type:
• These branches have 3 subnets:
1. One /25 subnet
2. One /26 subnet for ABMs (Automated Banking Machine) functions, and,
3. One /26 subnet for the security system.
• All the above subnets can be summarized into one /24 network.

Campus Location Type:
• Has multiple /24 subnets in each location, locations vary in size from 60 users to 3,000 users in large campuses.

What routing protocol(s) would you recommend for this network? Explain the reasons for your selection; refer to the specific features of the protocols that influenced your selection.


Question 2 - (10 Marks)

You are designing a network for a retail customer; they plan to have 7 locations initially with the main store acting as the warehousing depot. Within the next year they are planning to expand to another 4 locations. All locations will be located in Ontario.

Each store has four main application requirements:

1. Internet access via the central warehouse,
2. Inventory control,
3. Employee scheduling and time tracking and
4. Point of sale.

Each retail store will have 12-15 employees at most.

A. What type of network design would you propose? Why? Provide a network diagram showing the proposed topology.
B. What bandwidth would you recommend at each location? Why? Explain your reason.
C. What routing protocol would you recommend for this network? Explain the reasons for your selection; refer to the specific features of the protocols that influenced your selection.


Question 3 (10 Marks)

You are designing a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for a large corporation.

Using design best practice, and the information that you have learned so far, propose a design that will provide the following capabilities:

• Secure WEB server hosting environment,
• Provide Internet browsing capability for internal users,
• Internal users access to the WEB servers for maintenance,
• VPN access to internal system from the Internet,
• Identify the use and location of Firewalls where necessary, and
• Identify the use and location of IPS/IDS where necessary.

A. Provide a diagram showing, Internet, WAN and all security components with the flow of traffic for each.

B. Explain the functions of each component, why you selected them, and the why you selected that location in the data flow.

Reference no: EM131099729

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