Network crashes are hypothesized

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379682

Assume we are using Lamport's hash, and Bob's system crashes before receiving Alice's reply to a message. Further assume an intruder, Trudy, can eavesdrop and detect that Bob crashed (maybe Trudy can even cause Bob to crash). This would create a situation where Trudy has Alice's reply (which Bob did not receive) and which Trudy can use to impersonate Alice, assuming Trudy logs in before Alice attempts to log into Bob again. How can we modify Bob's behavior to prevent this threat, and exactly when would we overwrite Bob's database, and with what?

Reference no: EM1379682

Questions Cloud

Determine the utilization of the cpu : Two real time procedures are running on a computer. The 1st one runs every 25 msec for ten msec. The second one runs every 40 msec for fifteen msec.
Prepare analyses to help in making their decisions : Using the data provided by the controller, prepare analyses to help Robert and Jane in making their decisions. (Hint: Prepare cost calculations for both product lines using ABC to see whether there is any significant difference in their unit costs). ..
Question about atm networks : ATM networks use a token bucket program to regulate traffic. A new token is put into the bucket every one usec so ATM cells can be sent during this period.
Question about processing packets : A CPU in a router can procedure two million packets/sec. The load offered to it is 1.5 million packets per sec. If the route from source to destination contains ten routers
Network crashes are hypothesized : Assume we are using Lamport's hash, and Bob's system crashes before receiving Alice's reply to a message.
Describe an algorithm to play the game of nim : Describe an algorithm to play the Game of Nim using all of the three tools discussed in class (pseudocode, flowchart, hierarchy chart).
Differences between the internet, intranets, extranets : Discuss similarities and differences between the Internet, intranets, extranets. Define e-Commerce and discussow can e-Commerce businesses be categorized?
Dealing with internet security and privacy : A procedure is said to be I/O bound if it needs a lot of I/O operations, whereas a procedure that consists of mostly computations within the CPU/memory system is said to be compute bound.
Supporting multiple incoming requests via threads : The email database server is created to accept multiple incoming requests via a socket in order to locate a specific message and return it to the customer email browser


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