Network consultation for design it

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Reference no: EM13765944

 Network Consultation for DesignIT

This assignment contains two (2) Sections: Network Consultation Proposal and Network Consultation Presentation. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.

The owners of DesignIT, who recently purchased 56'x36' space for their expanding business, have asked you to place a bid on a consulting job. DesignIT is a graphic arts company that, up until now, had contracted work out to temporary design services. The new space will allow them to hire two (2) full time designers and a receptionist.

Description of space purchased:
· 4 Cubicles
· 1 Office
· 1 Server room
· 1 Reception desk
· 1 Conference room

Below is the design of the space purchased:


Using the building layout, your role is to provide DesignIT with a network design that interconnects the following considerations:

  • DesignIT plans to relocate three (3) servers already configured as follows:
  1. 1 Web Server - Microsoft IIS Server
  2. 1 File Server - Microsoft Server 2008
  3. 1 Server - Server 2008 Small Business Server
  • DesignIT has requested that the design include the following:
  1. High speed Internet access
  2. Firewall
  3. Antivirus / malware protection
  4. Six (6) computers
  5. Three (3) color laser printers
  6. Wireless access for portable devices
  • DesignIT has requested the consideration of all interconnected devices and wiring, along with speeds, for best performance.

Section 1: Network Consultation Proposal
(Microsoft Word)
Create a cost analysis, and develop a proposal for the company.
1. Write an five to seven (5-7) page proposal in which you:
a. Recommend one (1) suitable network design.
b. Suggest one (1) network architecture.
c. Suggest LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN) wiring considerations.
d. Recommend hardware options and costs.
e. Suggest security considerations for:
i. Firewall
ii. Antivirus software
f. Recommend software options and costs.
g. Outline the labor costs, equipment costs, and service costs for your suggested design in table format.
h. Identify the single point of failure, and recommend potential mitigation strategies.
i. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Section 1 of your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Section 2: Network Consultation Presentation
(Microsoft PowerPoint or equivalent)
Use Microsoft PowerPoint or an open source alternative to present your findings to the client.
2. Create a five to ten (5-10) slide presentation in which you:
a. Outline the recommendations from your written proposal in Section 1.
b. Provide general speaking notes that you would use to highlight non-visual content.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the basic components and media of network systems and distinguish between LANs, MANs, and WANs.
  • Summarize current networking standards and how standards bodies and the standardization process impact networking technology.
  • Describe the TCP / IP protocols and various functions among the application layer.
  • Contrast why different technologies are deployed in different contexts of networking, such as topology, bandwidth, distance, and number of users.
  • Explain and differentiate among network hardware devices and components.
  • Compare and contrast among network operating systems.
  • Describe security policy, practices, encryption techniques, and design considerations in support of business operations in a networked environment.
  • Explain the role of integrity and availability in a networked environment.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in computing networks.
  • Write clearly and concisely about introductory networking topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Reference no: EM13765944

Questions Cloud

What factors are necessary for a monopoly : Why do firms in a competitive market earn zero profits in the long run - what factors are necessary for a monopoly to exist - Why do firms in a competitive industry have a perfectly elastic demand curve?
Attributes for fleet truck maintenance : Create documentation for this project that summarizes the process for using the entities and attributes for fleet truck maintenance. The Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance can be found in the Huffman Trucking Virtual Organization.
Problem related to process improvement : Discuss the effects the implementation has had on the organization and quality care outcomes.
Describe the information you found that supports this claim : In a couple of short sentences, briefly describe the information you found that supports this claim, and where specifically you located the evidence (i.e., the UCG web resources)
Network consultation for design it : This assignment contains two (2) Sections: Network Consultation Proposal and Network Consultation Presentation. You must submit both sections as separate files in order to complete this assignment.
Explains the process of creating the entity-relationship : Create documentation that explains the process of creating the entity-relationship diagrams in the change request relative to this project.
Questions about the positive net present value : Investment projects should never be selected through purely mechanical processes. Managers should ask questions about the positive net present value (NPV). Good managers realize that the forecasts behind NPV calculations are imperfect.
Create documentation describing the principles : Create documentation describing the principles and importance of normalization in relation to this project and the process by which this project was normalized.
Write a report about whole foods and a specific food group : Write a report and create an educational brochure that integrates what you have learned about whole foods and a specific food group, which can be used to educate consumers.


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