Reference no: EM132614459
The nervous system is a part of the control system of our body. Think about a time you have stubbed a toe or touched something hot or sharp, you automatically pull away from the harmful stimulus.
Expand on how the impulse travels through the reflex arc. Begin with the receptor site and end up at the motor neuron near a muscle or gland.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
What can you do that might interrupt this reflex arc?
Would you consider pain a useful sensory function?
How might you use this information to help with pain management?
Search the internet for a public-facing educational source on stroke symptoms.
Explore the article on stroke symptoms and why those symptoms occur.
Include the following aspects in the discussion:
Choose three major lobes of the brain and describe how symptoms might differ for stroke in each area.
What is a the difference between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke?
What does the saying "time is brain" mean?