Neighborhood to violence on social media

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Reference no: EM133485203

Question: Media, including TV shows and films, have some impact on violence in the behavior of today's youth. Some studies suggest there is a link between exposure to media violence and aggressive behavior. This relationship is nuanced and influenced by various factors. Siegel & Welsh (2016) stated, "Simply living in a violent neighborhood does not produce violent children". If this statement is true, why wouldn't we similarly compare exposure to violence in a neighborhood to violence on social media? It is of the utmost importance to consider that media alone is unlikely to be the sole cause of aggressive and antisocial behavior in youths. Exposure to violence in the media may have an impact on aggression and antisocial behavior in youths. It is important to consider many influences within a broader spectrum. Factors such as family dynamics, peer relationships, and individual characteristics also play significant roles in shaping the behavior of youth.

Reference no: EM133485203

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