Reference no: EM133182633
Negotiations Role-play POD3103 Employer Sub Group
You have been asked to support part of the collective agreement negotiations. The hospital you are supporting is financially constrained, given the significant additional expenses that have been incurred during COVID. The government has no intentions to provide additional funding and has asked the hospital to manage within its current budget envelope. Your goal is to seek concession from the Union at best and at the minimum limit overall increase of 2%. You know the Union will want more, but there simply isn't money. Ideally, you are seeking a three-year agreement. You are willing to top up 50% pay during the one-year maternity leave and 30% for 18 months maternity.
The Union represents 500 employees making an average of $80,000. All employees have 20 vacation days annually and five sick leave days. Each employee has a healthcare spending account of $2000 annually. You are funded by the provincial government and its mandatory to have all staff with double vaccine dose.
Union will ask for more vacation and sick days, that you need to negotiate.
Articles to negotiate
Pay Increase (in percentage)
Annual vacation for union employees (in days)
Sick leave (in days)
Healthcare Spending Account credit (in $)
Length of agreement (in years)
Return to work - vaccine mandate
Employer group will make a presentation with their talking points that you will use and present during the roleplay
Conclusion: Your final result should be from the following two approaches
- Win-win (collaborative approach)
- Competitive approach
Note: If you were in Dead lock, you need to define the steps to acquire the right to strike or lockout (role of conciliation officer, mediator, or arbitrator.