Negative effects of globalization on local cultures

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131031953

Read the chapter on global justice and globalization in the text, then consider the following case (from p. 335 of the text).

Sam and Jane have been arguing about the effects of globalization as a form of modernization or Westernization of the world. Sam points out all of globalization’s class and commercialized aspects—including the ubiquitous McDonald’s and Levis—that have negative effects on local cultures. Jane argues that Western personal and political freedoms ought to be made universal.

What is your personal observation of these globalization issues? In your response, provide a real example with a citation and reference that illustrates your position on either the positive or negative (or both) effects of globalization on local cultures.

If some cultures are endangered by globalization, do we have a moral obligation to resist exporting our products or ideas? Explain your response from either a consequentialist or nonconsequentialist viewpoint.

Reference no: EM131031953

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