Need to plot two ellipses with given points

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131887798


Overview of the MA2895 assessments - The assessment of MA2895 is a portfolio of assessments.

There are three parts in this assignment, one which just requires the creation of one script file, one which just requires the creation of one script file and one function file, and one which just requires the creation of one script file and three function files. Thus in total you create 7 m-files if you attempt all parts and in the submission instructions described in section 6 a zip file is created using Matlab which will be what is submitted. To get full marks you need to attempt all parts. Full details and the precise tasks are given later in this document and brie?y the tasks are as follows.

(1) A task which is mostly graphics in that you need to plot two ellipses and with given points on one of the ellipses you a draw line segment between each such point and the "nearest point" on the other ellipse. If everything is done then a table should also be created in the command window indicating the distances involved. This is the task which just requires the creation of one script file.

(2) A task to factorise, as far as possible, a given matrix A in the form


where L is a unit lower triangular matrix, R is upper triangular and where P and Q are both permutation matrices. The matrix P is associated with swapping rows and the matrix Q is associated with swapping columns and the criteria you should use to determine all these matrices is given later in this document. This task involves creating a function file which creates P, Q, L and R and a script file where the function is used on specific matrices.

(3) A task concerned with approximately determining a function u(x) on an interval [a, b] such that

u′′(x) = f(x), a < x < b, with u(a) = g1 and u(b) = g2.

There are a number of ways this problem can be tackled and for this assignment two approaches are involved. There is the use of the finite difference method as described in chapter 4 of the MA2715 notes and this involves the creation of a function file. It is actually possible here to give and expression for u(x) in terms of integrals involving f(x) although these integrals cannot usually be done exactly and need to be approximated. In this assignment this approach requires two function files, one to approximate an integral and the other which uses such approximations in the expression for u(x). A script file is also needed which uses the functions for specified test problems.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131887798

Questions Cloud

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Need to plot two ellipses with given points : MA2895 INDIVIDUAL MATLAB ASSIGNMENT. You need to plot two ellipses and with given points on one of the ellipses you a draw line segment
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3/5/2018 5:14:09 AM

The assessment of MA2895 is a portfolio of assessments which in /8 is a class test (worth 30%) and an assignment (worth 70%) and this document describes your individual assignment. As this is an individual assignment each student taking MA2895 has slightly different instructions.


3/5/2018 5:14:03 AM

You MUST submit the zip file ma16aai that is created by the command ma16aai cr zip file(); as you should have already used in section 2. Please note that we will not accept submissions done in any other way. The zip file ma16aai should be uploaded on wise flow as instructed by an email that you have received or will receive. For added security in the electronic submission process it is recommended that you also email the file ma16aai as an attachment. Each email will be acknowledged (probably automatically) and please note that the sending of the email should not be considered as complete until an acknowledgement has been received which states that the correct file has been received.


3/5/2018 5:13:58 AM

You can submit as many times as you wish before the deadline although only the last version submitted will be marked. If you get an email after the deadline indicating that the current version will get zero marks, e.g. you have not sent the correct file or the files sent will not run due to some errors, then you will get a chance to correct the errors and send again provided this is still within the short period allowed by the university late submission rules. If this happens then the submission is regarded as a late submission.


3/5/2018 5:13:53 AM

The very first task for 2 marks needs to be done soon after you receive the assignment. It is recommended that you work steadily on the tasks and do not leave too much to do near to the deadline. I recommend that you use the command to create the zip file that you will eventually submit frequently as this also creates backups of your work. You can use any Matlab commands that you wish to test the tasks although the marks awarded will only come from doing the tasks in the manner described. Although optional testing does not directly result in marks it should be regarded as an important step to do to get to something that does work which will get marks. Thus, in particular, if you create a function but never test it then there is a high probability that it contains syntax error and if you submit such an attempt then it will get zero marks.


3/5/2018 5:13:47 AM

If Matlab indicates that you have syntax errors then you should always attempt to correct these. If you do not know how to correct the statements then you can remove the statements or you can make them comment statements. As nothing can run after the syntax error is reported there can be no marks for any testing that you do after this point. If you cannot do one part of one task and there are other parts not yet attempted then I would recommend that you leave the uncompleted task in a state where it partially works and try to the other parts to make best use of your time.


3/5/2018 5:13:42 AM

If you want to work on the assignment away from Brunel but you do not have Matlab then please note that my implementation of what you need to submit works with octave for all the parts although the graphics with octave is not as good as with Matlab. If any errors are spotted in these instructions or if any clarifications are needed then corrections or additional information will be reported somewhere in the web pages of the study block MA2715 associated with MA2895. Blackboard has a link to the web pages. Also, if there are any frequently asked questions then I may create a frequently asked questions document.

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MATLAB Programming Questions & Answers

  Finite difference method

Use the finite difference method to calculate the temperature at the point specified since it is easier.

  Determine the necessary shell temperature

In a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, one fluid passes through a central tube while another fluid flows through an outer shell in the opposite direction. The purpose is to heat the fluid passing through the central tube.

  Find the integral of a function at an arbitrary location

Write a Matlab function to perform numerical integration of a set of evenly spaced data points using the trapezoidal rule

  Compute the speed of single-stage planetary gear train

Write a MATLAB function [speed] = planetary (N, emesh, first, last, arm) that computes the speed of a given link in a single-stage planetary gear train.

  Calculate and plot the error in the numerical derivative

Write a program to calculate and plot the error in the numerical estimate of the derivative.

  Create the graph using matlab functions

Create the graph, which contains a piecewise function where a line exists in the first interval, a parabola in the second interval, and the sine function in the third interval.

  Develop a simulation program

Develop a simulation program

  Create a vector in matlab

Create a three dimensional diagram of function.

  Open a named pipe and to read data from the pipe

Open a named pipe and to read data from the pipe in matlab

  Write the commands that will create the matrix

Write the commands that will create the matrix.

  Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree

Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree

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